Movie and Book Reviews
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Movie and Book Reviews
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On this page I'll write reviews of the movies I see and books I read. I might use a format similar to this for my reviews.

My movie reviews

Little man :
Most funniest movie ever!
if u havnt seen it yet, then go rent it now !!!
on a scale of 1 to 10
id give it a 9.5 ....
if u havn't herd of it yet, then heres the description:
Its about this midget, that robbs a jewlery store, he steels a diamond and then the cops run after him then he puts the jewl in a womans purse and runs away.... then he goes to the woman's house and dresses as a baby to go get bak the diamond!...
Wat i like about that movie is how they make the midgets face!
So unique...


White chicks:
I would give this movie on a scale from 1 to 10
a 8.5 
if u have seen little man well, its the same style of movie...
These two FBI agents go undercover to catch this bad-guy!
They dress up as guirls(twins) ....... really funny movie .
I like how they made the guirl costumes...


Bon cop bad cop:
If u understand french and english at the same time and have visited Quebec City and also if u have seen the differance of the Quebec and Ontario culture then u will be able to completely understand this movie(lmfao i have seen the diferances between ontario and quebec and i saw bon cop bad cop, it is hularious) (u also have to understand and no the french and english sware words!then u will also find that movie really awsome!) ...(Also if u are a hockey fan, this movie is based on hockey!)
I'd rate this movie on a scale from 1-10
This story is about these to FBI (1 from Quebec and 1 from Toronto) They work together to solve a case but at the same time work on solving there differances...
wat i like about this movie is how we c the differance of cultures ... The Quebec dude always dresses like he wants to be cool and always swares but on the other side the Toronto dude dresses very conservatively and always try's
his best to be as fancy and polite as possible...
